For a volunteer project, she certainly has put in a lot of heart into it! Just goes to show that we don’t need lots of money to make a place look cosy!
Seems to be turning out like how Miyuki envisioned it.
Previously, we had some problems getting a tukang (worker), a general one, a fix-it-all. Which was in fact our good fortune, for some time later, SC’s dance teacher’s (Ibu* Cok Rai) husband (Pak Toni) volunteered to take it up.
So far Pak Toni has done a commendable job, and we’re considering of enlisting his help for future projects.
*Additional info: Ibu is a term used in Bali (actually, Indonesia) for calling women who are ehhh...well, not so young… (like “auntie” or “makcik”) For men, that’ll be “Bapak” or “Pak”. So I am called “Pak” pretty often here. Ibu Cok Rai is in fact younger than us, but we still call her “Ibu” cos she’s 1) Married, and 2) a mother already. Kids run around calling almost everyone “Ibu” or “Pak”, anyone that’s older than them. Adults will probably refer to you as so…probably cos they respect you as an equal hehe…so don’t be offended when you’re referred to as so here ya?
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