We are now officially in existance because...we've got an identity! Though identity is the cause of man's downfall, we decided that if we needed help, we've got to hang out with the Romans...hehehe...
We didn’t quite think we’d need a name...what more a logo...but having talked to some people in “the field”, it’s seemed more favourable to have one. With it, we’ll have an identity, and in wielding this passport of identity, we’ll be able to seek help from other more POWERFUL groups.
We have been thinking about what to call ourselves, I remember pondering over it in Singapore with Es, and we both thought
Banjar Saraswati would be an appropriate name for us. The rest in Bali agreed, and then came the long and tedious process (for Miyuki) to design the logo. She painstakingly designed a few, but we couldn’t use them cos they were too detailed, we needed them to be simple enough to be made into a ink stamp.
note: I've tried to upload the other sample logos Miyuki has designed, by couldn't cos they're in a different format...being the computer dunce that I am, it cannot be helped...
WHY BANJAR SARASWATI? Banjars are unique to Bali, they are like the village government. The people from the
banjar form a community that looks out for each other. For example, during a funeral or a wedding, much help is needed for preparation, whether if it’s for food, or decorating the place, or just helping out serving and cleaning. The
banjar holds a meeting and duties are delegated. They also call this “gotong royong”.
Banjars are also responsible for many other things, like settling disputes, coming to aid during emergencies, doing spring cleaning for the village, etc etc...
In Bali,
Saraswati is the slim waisted waif like goddess (also called "Dewi", male gods are called "Dewa")of wisdom and creativity (In India, she acquires a more voluptuous figure). Almost every education related institution has her presence, whether manifested as a statue in the courtyard, or her portrait in their logo.
Banjar Saraswati, all of us form a community, and we help each other out. It’s like an extended community, one that is propelled by the common need to promote wisdom and creativity. All that is said sounds rather impressive, doesn’t it? We’re still far from that “grandeur”, but we’ll do it at Balinese pace, and well, we might just make it .
PS. All correspondence will be directed to and through our official email. Banjar Saraswati has her very own email! Contact her at: banjarsaraswati@gmail.com